Thank you for joining us for our past Global Conversation:

Advancing Sustainable Development in Cities Through Meaningful Insights and Partnerships 

May 18, 2022, at 11 AM ET!

It is widely recognized that “the battle for sustainable development will be won or lost in cities.” With less than a decade remaining for the achievement of SDGs, it is crucial to step up global efforts and intensify impact in cities. Coherent city initiatives are critical in providing a systemic pathway for cities to advance their achievement of SDGs through a value chain that connects data, strategic planning, impact project formulation, financing, and strengthening local institutions.

During our panel discussion, we will hear from the representatives of UN Habitat, Global CEO Alliance, and Ateneo de Manila University on their resiliency initiatives. Additionally, we will listen to the SCI Kenya Country Representative on how exchanges between cities are part of a larger global effort to collaborate together to make cities more sustainable and resilient.


Welcome / Introductory Remarks

Global Conversation Overview