Scottsdale, Arizona and Alamos, Sonora, Mexico have been sister cities in 50 years. First established in 1969, Scottsdale was the first city in Arizona to establish a sister city relationship with a city in Mexico. Later, Phoenix, Arizona followed suit to form a sister city relationship with Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Scottsdale currently has 8 active sister cities and has active communications with all of them – a truly amazing feat! Their largest activities are youth oriented, and also have programs revolving around art, music, language, and an unexpected activity – golf.
Currently with Alamos, Scottsdale, Arizona has 18 active projects underway, and their most recent one is their collaboration in fundraising and donations for Alamo – a city dependent on economic income via tourism. However, other activities have been halted due to the COVID19 crisis. This new food project would be their 19th project in place.

During this COVID-19 crisis, Scottsdale, Arizona and Alamos, Mexico are helping each other stay safe and healthy through donations and fundraising. Alamo, a city almost completely dependent on tourism, has been closed to all outsiders with the exception of food deliveries and other critical supply trucks. Dale and Jan Gray, the principles of Sustainable Outreach Solutions (SOS) have created a charitable giving mechanism through Sister Cities International to support Alamo. $37,140 have been raised to purchase 150,000 lbs of rice, beans, and corn flour. 4,000 families have received these packages. The kitchen of the four star hotel, Hacienda de los Santos, has worked closely with Scottsdale Sister Cities and with Sustainable Outreach Solutions to create hot meals at no cost to the program or the villagers. Local residents work together to provide volunteer resources in sorting and distributing the hot meals in Alamos and other surrounding small villages. The Scottsdale Sister Cities Association has donated $1,000 to the Alamos Food Drive and continue their efforts to help meet the dire needs of their friends in Alamos during this crisis.
This project, along with others, strongly supports their overall program in bringing about international friendships and goodwill. Sister City Scottsdale states, “Geography defines our neighbor. Our actions determine if we are to be good [ones]”.
Although this food program is a one-time occurrence, their efforts to help their Sister City in Alamos during the COVID19 and beyond are unending as they will continue their other programs.
To make a contribution to the Alamos Food Drive, use this link here. You can be assured that your contribution will only go towards the purchase of food and necessities.